FAQs About Oil and Gas Auditing Procedures
How much is this going to cost?
All auditors in the industry use the same day rate for audits in the USA which is recommended by COPAS April 1st annually.
What is the difference between a CPA and an Oil and Gas Auditor?
CPA’s are trained to audit annual statements. They are not trained in oil field operations. Oil and Gas auditors are trained in oil field operations. They are not trained to audit annual statements.
Do you perform in-house work for operators as well as for Non-Operators?
As long as there is no conflict of interest, we can work independently to help both operators and non-operators.
What are the controlling documents used by the co-owners for a joint interest property?
The oil and gas industry uses the joint operating agreements (JOA) and the COPAS accounting agreements (COPAS)
Why do we have a joint operating agreement or COPAS accounting agreement forms at all?
As stated so beautifully by the president of an oil company: "If we did not have these standard agreements, I'd have to hire a team of attorneys
We are a non-operator / investor in one or more wells and we have spent a lot of money with an operator. What do you think about doing a joint interest venture audit?
Among so many other reasons, it is always a very good business practice to audit and find out how the operator treated you and your company, especially when the operator has spent large sums of your money.
Are there some reasons you might not want to request a joint interest audit?
Yes, there are some times you do NOT want to audit and we encourage you to not undertake the expense, and instead, do absolutely nothing at all. You can always ask us if there is any doubt.
Do you perform joint interest audits for royalty owners?
Yes. Hopefully, you have a great oil and gas lease to start! Always get help before signing an oil and gas lease.
What if we are down on our luck and cannot pay you?
Call us. We might surprise ourselves on a logical and beneficial solution for you.
Do you think the operator will mind if we conduct a joint venture audit?
The smarter operators are usually conducting their own outside joint interest audits of other companies and fully understand the multiple values they gain. Also, many totally experienced people don't think about the concrete fact that some of our largest recoveries benefit the operator more than anyone else
Is there any reason to perform an oil and gas audit for expenditures that are under AFE estimated cost?
Yes. Never forget the AFE's (authority for expenditure) line items are only estimates.
Is there any reason to perform a joint interest audit when turnkey or footage contracts have been used by the Operator?
Yes. Turnkey or footage contracts are considered by some to limit the available exceptions; however, it can be just the opposite since they can create large dollar exceptions
What about doing a joint interest audit on production volumes and revenue payments?
Revenue is feast or famine, and most auditors and investors don't and won't understand it since they don't want to lose face by spending money to audit thereby ending up with poor or no results at all.
Why should I choose your joint interest audit firm over another?
You certainly can, but none have months of work experience and hands-on, oil field training directly in the oilfield. Most don't have months of in-house training in almost every oil and gas department.
As a non-operator and investor, what do you need from us initially for a joint venture audit?
Some clients give us only the name of the operator and names of the wells. Other clients send us a ton of information which is very helpful. You can never give us too much information.
The other items we would like to see are: your working interest ownership, total $ expenditures and/or revenues, status and location of the properties.
We need all the contracts, e.g., the joint operating agreement (JOA) and attachments. The most important document is: any letter and/or exploration agreement since they can override the JOA. It is important to provide us the joint interest billing (JIB) information so we can reconcile to the JADE (joint audit data exchange) database we receive from the Operator. Once we have reconciled the database to the JIB’s, we can rely on a simple, organized database instead just of a big stack of unorganized paper.
When you do a joint venture audit, do you also audit prospect costs?
Absolutely, we review prospect costs if you were charged them. Most auditors never think of this area. The prospect charges are usually charged by the operator before any of the wells are drilled. There are some operators who illegally will not allow prospect charges to be audited.
Do we need to provide our own auditor when someone else ballots us for a joint venture audit?
In most cases, you should always try to provide your own auditor for a joint interest audit, especially when a lot of money is involved. Often companies and public auditors mistakenly use the audit function as a training ground. We have seen millions of dollars in exceptions overlooked
Do you need any help from us?
We invite our clients to participate in any part of the audit they wish.
What is the timing on scheduling a joint interest audit?
If it is a major oil company, you need to book your audits very early since the available space fills up quickly due to their high volume.
How does the 24 month limit work when a Non-Operator wants to do a joint interest audit on properties operated by an operator?
You have only 24 months to audit per the COPAS accounting agreement then you have lost your contractual audit rights.
What is your thinking on a joint interest audit or a joint venture audit of payouts?
It can take more than two years for a well to pay out which means there will be many arguments and litigation concerns in the oil and gas industry on joint venture audit rights that extend past the usual, contractual 24 month limit. Also, most of the costs are in the drilling and completion phases.
Do you still review contracts free of charge to protect us before they are signed?
Yes. We had rather help you prevent mistakes and unnecessary risks in advance instead of try to clean up a mess after it's too late - after all, you signed the contract. We could have very easily prevented Anadarko's loss on the BP blowout that occurred in the Gulf of Mexico.
Why are you well known in the oil and gas industry as a very powerful and highly respected oil and gas auditor?
We have decades of oil and gas experience and training. Our objectives are fair play and fair compliance with the language of the controlling contractual language. Some operators are extremely good at making valid sounding excuses when replying to our report; however, the contract is the contract.
We get a question occasionally from concerned and conscientious operators seeking expert advice wanting to know exactly what they can charge or allocate on their joint interest billings.
We always tell them we are comfortable with what they elect to do as long as it is in conformance with the contract and it is fair to both themselves and the non-operators. This eliminates most questions.
Do you conduct vendor audits or service company audits?
Yes, we conduct vendor audits; however, we consider them to be very sensitive and they should be handled with due care since service companies are critical to the operator's future needs.
What do I do if the operator refuses to grant credit on good exceptions in a joint interest audit report?
Invest with a more ethical operator.
Is it possible for you to miss any exceptions when you are performing a joint venture audit?
Think about when they move that pea under three shells under your nose while you are intensely watching at the carnival, but you are very unlikely to guess where the pea is. Now, move forward to where we are expected to examine two year old invoices
Are you ever asked to re-do a joint interest audit which was already done by another competing joint interest auditing firm?
Oh yes - and with fantastic results. That's why we have been called the auditor's auditor.
How long have you been doing joint venture auditing?
If there is an oil and gas lawsuit - how much do you charge?
Our fees are simply based on the client's ability to pay. Some clients have been unfairly economically destroyed by some other party and that very much goes against our grain. If that poor underdog cannot pay us, we will do our best to help them. Right is right. Wrong is wrong.
What do you think about stealing in the oil and gas industry?
If someone steals a single candy bar from a store, the authorities will take them straight to jail in a blinding flash. If someone steals a $50 million property, they are fairly safe - after all, it's not a criminal matter - it's ONLY a civil matter.
Do you ever do an audit for the operator?
Yes, the operator wants the audit done in advance to their very-important investor’s audit since he wants to know exactly where they stand and if there is anything embarrassing that can be corrected to save face.
What if I have refused to pay my joint interest billings because I fully believe they are not right; however, the operator has refused to allow me to conduct a joint venture audit unless I pay the bills first?
You have the legal right to an accounting based on common law and common sense. You can bet the operator does not pay their own bills while wearing a blindfold.
Do you require a contract prior to performing a joint interest audit for your client?
No. We work strictly on trust. We find almost all of our clients are very honest and become our good friends.
Can you explain 'before casing point' and 'after casing point' when drilling a well?
The Operator's share of the drilling cost may be carried or shared by the Non-Operators until casing point is reached. This rewards the Operator for putting the deal together. Per industry practice, the before casing point (BCP) normally changes to after casing point (ACP) after the log has been completed and a decision is made to either plug or complete the well.
What is COPAS?
The Council of Petroleum Accountants Societies, Inc. (COPAS) was formed in 1961 by a very limited number of oil and gas companies in an effort to replace the numerous accounting procedures with a single, standardized accounting procedure.
What does TBD mean in a joint interest audit report?
TBD means TO BE DETERMINED and is used in place of amounts:
What do you think about joint operating agreement non-consents?
We do not like non-consents since it can be a very cruel method used by some operators to force investors out of a well permanently or keep them out for an unfair, extended period of time and to steal their ownership.
Do you ever act as the coordinator hosting a joint venture audit for oil and gas companies who are operators?
We will work as hosts for joint interest audits where we absolutely do not have a conflict of interest. Some of our very best friends are highly respected executives in oil and gas companies. This also allows us to be mentors for each other when we might truly need an expert second opinion.
Years ago you were going to write a book on this area of expertise - why haven't you done it yet?
We did not want educate and to bring all of our competition up to speed free of charge. One of our single exceptions could easily mean $100,000.
What are some of the items you review on a joint interest audit?
1. AFE's
2. Bids
3. Company reports
Do you perform acquisition due diligence on the purchase of oil and gas properties?
Yes, that is one of our favorite areas since we can make money for our client.
We understand you are an expert on well blow out insurance claims and hurricane insurance claims?
Yes, that is another couple of our favorite areas - so far, every time, without fail, after a claim is made, we come in and significantly increase the claim.
If we see there is a question and answer you should add to this list, do we tell you?
Absolutely! Please!
If you see the slightest error, please forgive us and let us know so we can correct it.
What do you recommend for accounting allocations?
Allocations are sometimes necessary and convenient for the operator. Each allocation is for a specific and different purpose. Therefore, we recommend they are reasonably and fairly simplified for understanding, implementation and subsequent maintenance.
What if we are in a very large drilling program? Should we wait or proceed with a joint interest audit or a joint venture audit?
You want to perform a joint venture audit as early as possible in order to determine the culture, attitude and mind set of the Operator and the operator employees.
What is your opinion on boat and helicopter allocations?
These charges are enormous, and therefore, only actual charges to your location should be allowed to be charged.
Where on the Internet can I find out more information related to your services?
You will probably find more valuable information on this website than the entire web combined.
If our audit rights are refused, should we call you for help?
Absolutely. More than once at the end of the year I have seen this happen. They lie to you and tell you they are booked and will not let you audit, but their audit desks are empty. This is pure theft and breaks one of the Bible’s Ten Commandments.
I understand that you like to handle the operator’s reply to the audit report for free.
Yes. We like to do this since we have had operators many times in the past bypass us and tell investors that some of our good exceptions are wrong when they are not wrong at all.
Why are tiny oil companies easy to audit and majors are nightmare to audit?
Major oil companies usually require needless travel expenses and weeks of lost time at the their investors’ expense.
How can you tell if an Operator has good ethics?
We have an old rule, the more difficult the audit, the more likely the operator’s ethics are lower and the investors risks are higher.
Why do Operators grant credit to your joint venture audit report exceptions?
Because they want to keep an honest reputation and/or they want your future investment money.
Is it true that Operators can benefit the most from your audit services?
Yes. They get the audit done free of charge. They have the largest working interest and get the largest share of some of the exceptions like duplicate charges.
What if we eliminate joint venture audits all together?
We will be glad to do that if everyone agrees to not speed on the highways any longer.
Is it true that you have seen highly experienced audit gurus walk out of an audit at a major oil company?
Yes, they don’t like the many road blocks that are an insult to their intelligence. For instance, a big, thick, 3-ring binder is presented while telling them to waste their valuable audit days reviewing it before asking the operator any questions like, "Where are the documents?"
Is it true that some operators will try to limit your required and necessary audit time?
Some unethical operators will try to do it as a means to shorten the audit and lessen the findings thus absolutely cheating the investors.
When you issue your oil and gas audit report, does the investor have any input as to what it contains?
Knowledgeable, intelligent and experienced non-operators at times want to add their own items and wording into our report. If it is fair, ethical, legal and honest, it should go into the report.
Who are the top experts for joint venture audits?
1. Al McClellan, deceased
2. H. R. Fox, Jr., retired
3. Robert P. Malone, Malone Petroleum Consulting