Welcome to Malone Petroleum Consulting

Trust, pure and simple, has always been our most powerful means of attracting extremely good clients and partners, world wide – our foundation is: trust-based consulting. Every action we take must be carefully and beneficially thought out in advance based on our continued reputation management. As a result, trust has turbocharged our firm’s reputation and visibility. Our firm’s most prized possession is unequivocally our credibility and reputation as a trusted advisor and recognized expert as well as our commitment to being an elite and superstar consulting firm. We want to help wiser clients become sophisticated, life-time partners so we can mutually help each other grow our expertise, partnership opportunities, businesses and earning power. We are proven team players.
Our clients and partners want to work with only the very best when it comes to solving problems or challenges or when they need a solution fast due to time constraints and urgency; therefore, our clients call us in for highly complex issues and legal proceeding so they can obtain strategic and tactical recommendations. Engaging us as an expert gives the client confidence and peace of mind. We have decades of professional experience and many professional certifications which easily qualify us to testify in a legal proceeding explaining complicated topics in clear and simple language.
A single, personal recommendation is one of the most significant validations a top expert can obtain - we have over 100 professional testimonials from experts, clients and associates which corroborate our very successful track record. Our testimonials are mostly from those who are already highly intelligent, educated and experienced. This many testimonials in itself is a very large accomplishment and is a very rare occurrence.
We seek to align ourselves with other successful experts who we can recommend to help, educate and impart practical wisdom to ourselves and our clients. The level of time commitment required to be a recognized expert is significant. Our clients benefit from our services and profitable association by: learning, obtaining profitable solutions, getting the job done and done quickly, increasing their own credibility and decreasing the future, potential risks.
Never be afraid to ask for help when you need it.
Robert Pierce Malone, based on his experience and credentials, was asked by one of the major CPA firms to consider becoming a full partner. It would be almost impossible to have a higher compliment than this.
It is critical you and your company have only the best and most experienced Oil and Gas Auditor in the world to guide and help you with your important needs. Malone Petroleum Consulting is the world’s top expert in oil and gas auditing, based on decades of extensive experience, training and successes.
Whether it is a Contract Compliance Audit, Joint Interest Audit, Joint Venture Audit, Fraud Audit or Forensic Audit, it is far too important to delay when you need to take timely action to stop the bleeding before your contractual-audit rights expire after only 24 months and the door closes permanently.
As a very necessary advantage and benefit to you, we are also both an oil and gas fraud auditor and an oil and gas forensic auditor.
In the oil and gas industry, a company can be overcharged or under-credited in an almost infinite variety of ways. We have accumulated and copyrighted a list of over 5,000 ways a working interest owner can lose money. Many of these discrepancies go unchecked and uncorrected, reducing the profitability of your investment.
Conducting a contract compliance review with an experienced joint venture auditor is the key to resolving these problems, issues and risks. It also serves to protect you and it obviously makes good business sense. Once you invest money with an operator, you have a fiduciary responsibility to yourself, your company and your investors to assure that their money is spent within the terms of the agreements. A review by an experienced oil and gas auditor will document your efforts to meet those responsibilities and will help to improve your bottom line.
With our tremendous amount of experience as a COPAS auditor in this area, we don't waste time searching for potential recoveries - we already know where they'll be.
Our audits are performed for both small independent working interests and major oil and gas corporations alike, with clients including:
- Drilling funds
- Non-operators
- Oil and gas companies
- Oil and gas investors
- Operators
- Partnerships
- Royalty owners
- Trusts
- Working interest owners
"Bob Malone was able to identify $202,466,440 in overcharges"
We provide strategic advice related to the preparation and negotiation of the joint operating agreement and accounting agreement, as well as dispute resolution and litigation support by providing expert testimony. As your Joint Operating Agreement auditor, we can also conduct capital expenditure audits for onshore and offshore drilling programs, pipeline and facility construction and lease operating expenses.
"Malone Petroleum Consulting literally saved me and my company"
There is a significant difference between external compliance audits, internal audits and joint venture audits - a difference that only those with many years extensive experience could truly understand and thus fully and accurately apply. As your oil and gas revenue auditor, we have found revenue where others have found nothing. You can be assured that when you have selected our firm as your trusted partner, you will discover that you have selected the highest expertise with a comprehensive understanding of the oil and gas industry.
No other firm has ALL these three CRITICAL certifications:
oil field trained,
fraud, forensics.
Our objective is to develop clients for life by producing extraordinary returns, valuable by-products and information for you and your investment. At the same time, we will promote and adhere to the highest standards of business ethics, confidentiality and integrity pertaining to our work. As your ambassador, our core principles are always to be leaders in our field, providing sole-source value while conducting our business with honesty and transparency.